Paddle Art Contest Entry Unfinished Paddle


The Algonquin Outfitters Paddle Art Contest connects a couple of things in local culture that we love, paddling and art.

SKU: 16126988

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We’re hoping again to have over 100 paddles created for our contest that will run from June 1st 2022 until Aug 31st 2023. To enter the contest all you have to do is visit an Algonquin Outfitters store (paddles will eventually be available at all of our stores but right now they are already available in Huntsville and Oxtongue Lake.) There’s a $32.98+tx entry fee and for that we provide the canvas (an unfinished 57″ wooden paddle) for your masterpiece. It’s your job to create something spectacular. It’s not limited to painting, you could burn an image or design into the paddle, or carve it into something unique, it’s totally up to you. We can’t wait to see what creative designs you come up with this time around.